Site Rules


These rules in place for your own safety and the safety of others, please adhere to them at all times.



Anarchy Airsoft Ltd will not condone any violent conduct or verbal abuse directed at players or Marshalls. Simply said, we do not tolerate abusive or violent behaviour. If any should occur it will result in the suspension or expulsion of the players involved.



  • These are the supreme authority and are your point of call on ALL issues on the play areas. Their presence is to promote order and maintain a fun, fair and safe environment. Disobeying, disrespecting and/or arguing with a marshal is strictly prohibited and can result in expulsion from the game zone.
  • Marshals are there for your safety. Respect their calls, do not argue, or question them in the arena. If you have any issues bring it to the management to have it worked out properly.
  • If a marshal has seen you blatantly get hit and you do not call hit, you will be told to go to respawn immediately. The marshals word is Final.


FPS Rates

BB weight (g) AEG/Gas HPA HPA Shotgun
0.2 <350 <330 <280
0.25 <314 <300 <270
0.28 <300 <280 <260

Chrono Graph Rules

  • Before play, all weapons will be Chrono graphed and results recorded.
  • Even if you played at our site the week before, your weapons MUST still be subject to chrono by law.
  • We reserve the right to spot check any weapons at any time and if found over the limit it will be removed from play.
  • HPA is fine, however they will be subject to lower rates of fire than regular AEGs or pistols. Once your gun has been chrono graphed, we will tie of the tank in order to avoid anyone sneakily juicing their tanks after chrono.


Hit Calling

Definition: When hit by a bb to ANY part of your body or equipment that has been launched, fired or expelled from any authorized airsoft equipment.

  • Airsoft is known and respected as an honor sport! Honor, Integrity and Respect go hand-in-hand with quality of game play.
  • All players must call their hits! (If in doubt call it out!)
  • All direct hits to any part of a player’s body are valid; whether a player is hit in the chest, head, or finger.
  • Ricochets do not count, however, if a player is not certain, when in doubt, call it out.
  • When hit, a player must yell as loudly and clearly as possibly “HIT” and raise their hand above their head. Weapons should be slung barrel down or carried over one’s head whilst walking back to respawn.
  • Dead players don't talk. Whilst a player is “dead” they are not permitted to speak words other than “respawning”, or “dead man walking” in order to ensure no “dead” player can communicate information to his/her team (enemy positions, etc.) until they have respawned.
  • As a company, we prefer shots to be aimed at the body area, unless the head is the only part of the body visible.
  • If you believe someone to be cheating, do not take matters into your own hands. The marshals will deal with any issues to do with cheating an non hit callers, speak to a marshal privately and let them deal with it.
  • Grenades have a 15 ft kill box effect no matter the size (unless behind full wall cover). Remember this is an the honor based game. Play nice or a marshal might be forced to shoot you.


Spawn Camping

  • Spawn camping is defined as watching the respawn point of an opposing team and “killing” other players as they respawn. Spawn camping is unsportsmanlike conduct and is strictly prohibited.
  • Shooting at an enemy respawn point or at an enemy while respawning is not allowed.


Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and Alcohol are completely banned. We reserve the right to do alcohol checks via breathalyser if we believe you to be intoxicated. Should we suspect that you are intoxicated, you will not be allowed to play. Anarchy Airsoft Ltd has a ZERO tolerance policy on drugs and alcohol. 


Rules of Engagement

The following rules were put in place in order to maintain safety, as well as add to the realism and quality of game play.

  • All players are encouraged to aim at center mass (center of the chest). Players should not put themselves in a position in which head shots are necessary or encouraged.
  • Blind firing is not allowed. Blind firing is defined as shooting a weapon without looking down the sights of that weapon, for example sticking a weapon through a window or around a corner and firing without looking.
  • We are a semi only site. All weapons should be set to semi-automatic.
  • Players must show control and maintain a sensible rate of fire at all times.
  • You can't cheese a win by overshooting. Our rate of fire is simple with regular pistols or rifles, don't over shoot. if anything, you will ruin the experience for yourselves due to marshals being on your case and others. Any over shooting will not be tolerated.
  • When it comes to any form of shot gun, whether it is single shot or tri-shot, our rate of fire is shoot, rack, pause, shoot, rack, pause.
  • There is no bang rule; any close combat should be single shot.


Knife Kills

  • Knife kills are allowed. Only rubber knives are allowed in the gaming area. They must bend at least 90 degrees If you are executing a player, either place your knife on to the player or your hand on their shoulder and say knife kill. If you do not say knife kill, then the kill will not count.
  • When taken out by a knife kill, put your hand up and walk to your respawn point. Be courteous to the person who was able to sneak up and get you. Do not give away their position.



  • Once hit, all players (unless otherwise dictated) must move to their designated respawn point.
  • A respawn point is a designated location from which a “dead” player comes back to “life” and can rejoin the game. Respawns are instantaneous i.e. once at a respawn point, players do not need to wait to; as soon as the respawn point is reached; players are allowed to return to gameplay.
  • Respawn Points are located in the game area in designated areas.


Mutual Respect

  • Mutual respect is must. Children and Adults should show one another the same courtesy and respect that they expect to receive themselves. 
  • Please refrain from swearing and inappropriate language, particularly when there are young people present.
  • We understand that airsoft can be frustrating, however we expect adults and children to keep there swearing to a minimum.
  • Upon leaving the premises, please respect our neighbours and keep the noise down as best you can.
  • All guns must be kept concealed in a bag or case upon entering and leaving the premises to avoid any misunderstandings with our neighbours.
  • Damaging our site is a major no-no; if you do it, you'll find yourself departing sooner than you planned.
  • Any malicious damage to our terrain, will result in a very irate marshal yelling at you... Continue, and you may be asked to leave the site and pay for damages.


Behaviour system/Three strike rule.

For some of the less serious restrictions, we use a very simple three strike rule. Very much like the Behaviour system within schools.


B1. Verbal warning.

B2. If the you do not heed said warning, then you will sit out the remainder of the game and the next game.

B3. You will be sent home and will possibly be looking at a ban from our site.


We take our safety and regulations very seriously; if you intend to just goof about and aren't concerned with the rules, find another site since we will not accept it.